Collect more characters from the Japanese superhero anime and manga series My Hero Academia with a Pop! Eijiro Kirishima, Pop! Momo Yaoyorozu, Pop! Fumikage Tokoyami, Pop! All for One, Pop! Teacher All Might, Pop! Silver Age All Might and Pop! Izuku Midoriya (Deku) with helmet.
Pop! figures bring your favorite Anime characters to life with a unique stylized design. Each vinyl figure stands 3.75 inches tall and comes in window box packaging, making them great for display!
Product Features
- 3.75 inches (9.5cm)
- Made of vinyl
- Urban stylized design
- Based on the My Hero Academia anime
- Comes in window-box packaging
Box Contents
- Izuku Midoriya Pop!
Pop! Animation My Hero Academia Izuku Midoriya 783
SKU: 177